Phone 1300 974 934

Adelaide Holiday Tennis Clinic (Apr)

Kensington Lawn Tennis Club

Mon 14th - Thurs 17th April

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Our tennis clinic is ideal for 4 to 14 year olds. It is a great opportunity to improve tennis skills while making new friends! Four consecutive days of tennis will ensure the development and consolidation of correct technique, footwork and usage of grips. Hand-eye coordination drills and tennis related games will also be a part of our lessons. Our tennis coaches focus on the students' understanding of competition, assertiveness, problem solving and teamwork skills. Sports studies have stated that tennis not only improves motor performance but also influences positive and cognitive and social development.
Each child is to bring their own drink and hat each day. A BBQ will be supplied on the final day!
Holiday Clinics are held Monday - Thursday, 9:30am-12:00 noon.


Monday: Forehand & backhand ground-strokes
Tuesday: Forehand & backhand volleys combined with ground-strokes
Wednesday: Serve & Smash.
Thursday: Consolidation of all strokes, point play, scoring system, coach exhibition match, games, BBQ & presentation
Cost: $189.95 - discount applies for 2 or more enrollments from the same family.
Where: Kensington Lawn Tennis Club (Cnr The Parade & East Tce, Kensington Gdns)

Unfortunately positions are limited so enrolments will be accepted on a first in first served basis (we will close this page once the clinic is full). The correct size racquet will be supplied to those that choose to purchase a junior racquet with their enrolment. If a session has to be canceled due to inclement weather, then the parent or guardian will be notified by text message on the lesson day and a catch up session will be re-scheduled on the Friday.
If you would like to enrol your child then please complete and submit the online form below before Fri 11th Apr to secure position. If you have any further questions then please email the team at


Tiger Tennis is proud to be collaborated and supported by the following organisations